FREE Samples available to validate viral transport media for Covid-19, test on your open PCR platform before ordering. We provide your lab with 50 free collection tube samples for validation purposes.
A Better Transport Media
- Our media contains agents proven to inactivate the virus for safer lab accessioning
- Requires no refrigeration during transport– Saving your lab money on shipping costs
- Samples can be stored for 7 days or more
- Lab Validated on current PCR/RNA platforms
- Included in CLIA Laboratory EUA for Covid-19/Sar-Cov-2 Testing – May 2020
Immediate Availability
We have delivered over 1,000,000 tubes with more than 600,000 successful Covid-19/Sar-Cov-2 PCR tests performed to date!
Advanced Diagnostic Properties
Established in 2009, Resolution Biomedical produces high-quality, consumable diagnostic products that improve laboratory test results.
Resolution Transport Tubes facilitate the preservation and transport of viral samples for PCR testing.
Resolution Transport Tubes and medium have been validated for the detection of SARS-cov-2, HPV, herpes, chlamydia, and other infectious agents.
Rapid Delivery
High-Quality Products
ClearPrep is a proven diagnostic preparation process for more accurate, cost-effective, liquid-based cytology tests.
Gynemed Brush
Resolution Biomedical recommends The Gynemed Brush for better cytology collection.
Resolution Transport Tubes
The Resolution Biomedical Transport media does not require refrigeration during transport or storage, eliminating cold packs and coolers.
Have something in mind to discuss with us? Feel free to contact us. We will get back to you if needed.